Our method of teaching is not only guided by the National Quality Framework, it also includes Te Ao Māori and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Perspectives making an abridgement between both perspectives. These approaches also take inspiration from Te Whāriki the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum. Te Whāriki interprets the notion of curriculum broadly, taking it to include all the experiences, activities and events, both direct and indirect, that occur within the ECE setting
Te Ao Māori
Te Ao Māori emphasises the importance of relationships between nature and people. It is a holistic world view that focuses on interconnections and is grounded in tikanga (customary values) and lore and mātauranga (knowledge). Practices, values and principles from Te Ao Māori have been developed around marae to bring ancestors and communities together in one place in deep connection with whenua and taiao (environment).
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Perspectives
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Perspectives are the unique cultures, history and ways of knowing Australia's First Nations people. We as a Centre have made a conscious commitment to the establishment and implementation of our Reconciliation Action Plan. We make great efforts to maintain our relationships with the local elders of Logan, working in partnership with them to implement and embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island culture and perspectives throughout the centre.